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Old September 11th, 2008, 08:47 AM
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Default SQL Syntax in VBA?

I'm trying to update some data from one Excel workbook to another using the Jet driver and I'm having a problem updating multiple fields.

Here is the SQL Statement:

UPDATE [Sheet1$] SET Active='Y', Act_Perf_ID='TESTID' WHERE Analyst ='TEST'

This works fine when I only update one data field, but adding a second field seems to be causing a problem. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, is it possible to query mulitple sheets using one SQL string.

Example:"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$], [Sheet2$] WHERE [Sheet1$].Analyst='Test' AND [Sheet2$].Analyst='Test'

When I pass the string above, I keep gettting an error as well.

Thanks again.

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