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Old December 28th, 2006, 09:29 PM
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Default n-tier interface problem

Hi All,
I am constructing an application and I am using interfaces for my Object Layer classes to be used in Data Access and Logic layers.

My question is regarding the use of interfaces in this n-tier design.

For example , If I have a interface called IHouse and it has various properties like Width, Height, or whatever.
In addition to these singular properites I wish to have a collection of custom types. So a house might have a collection of Rooms.
But I want a Room to be an object on its own.
So in my Object Layer will have an iterface for a Room called IRoom.

So this is my problem.
How do I enforce that the classes derived from the IHome have a collection of Rooms.
If I put a property of say List<IRoom> in my IHome interface i am forced to impliment this list in my Logic Layer, but it is of type IRoom, so none of the new methods that are applied to the Derived Room class are available in the derived Home class because it only contains a definition for IRoom not Room.

I would be interested in any comments on how I should approach this.

Many thanks

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Old December 29th, 2006, 06:03 AM
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Hi Rod,

I am not sure if the solution below gives you exactly what you need, but it's worth a try. There may be other alternatives as well so you may need to play around with it.

To make this work, you need to make your IHouse interface generic as well, have it expect a type that somehow implements IRoom and expose a list of that type, like this:
internal interface IHouse<T> where T : IRoom
  List<T> Rooms { get;}
This interface enforces a list called Rooms of type T. Type T is then constrained by a where clause that enforces that T implements IRoom.

Next up is the actual House class. Instead of just implementing the IHouse interface, you specify the type of Room that is used by the interface, like this:
class YourHouse : IHouse<LargeRoom>
This creates a YourHouse class that will use the LargeRoom class as the generic type for Rooms. So, the List<T> from the interface (originally List<IRoom> in your solution) can look like this:
public List<LargeRoom> Rooms
  get { ..... }
With this code, the Rooms list is now strongly typed for LargeRoom objects, so you can access LargeRoom specific properties.

Obviously, you can now create other House classes that implement different kind of rooms with the accompanying Room type:
class MyStudentHouse : IHouse<SmallRoom>


  public List<SmallRoom> Rooms
    get { ..... }
Does this help? All the generics make this code look a little odd, but I think it does what you want....


Imar Spaanjaars
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Old January 1st, 2007, 08:28 PM
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Hi Imar,
Thanks for your help, your solution looks like what I need, I will definately give it a shot.

I've never used a where clause in a class definition, this is very interesting.
quote:This interface enforces a list called Rooms of type T. Type T is then constrained by a where clause that enforces that T implements IRoom.

Many thanks again,

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Old January 2nd, 2007, 05:22 AM
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You're welcome.

Generics are really powerful, especially in combination with type constraints. If you want to know more about generics, I can really recommend Professional .NET 2.0 Generics
(http://www.wrox.com/WileyCDA/WroxTit...764559885.html) by Tod Golding.

I learned a lot about generics from this book.....


Imar Spaanjaars
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Old January 3rd, 2007, 03:08 AM
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Hi Again Imar,

I keep running in to the same headache and I think I have not seperated my layers very well.

Would you mind having a look at the sample layers below.
I would really like some overall guidance as to whether or not I am heading in the right direction, no need to debug my code, just a comment or two would be much appreciated.

The metaphor is now a company with people (not houses and rooms), my actual application is far more complicated, but this is the problem.

The problem is that I am trying to seprate the DAL,BOL,BLL and GUI layers whilst using a provider model for the DAL, is this a good idea at all?(ie BOL/BLL)

Now when I try to call the GetMessage method it is expecting an interface and will not accept the derived Company object.
If I use the derived object as a parameter in the interface I am no longer seperating the layers.

So the following code in the GUI layer fails to compile.
BLL.Company c = new BLL.Company();
c.CompanyName = "CoreApps";            
Error    1    The best overloaded method match for 'DAL.CompanyProvider.GetMessage(BOL.ICompany<BOL.IPerson>)' has some invalid arguments
Error    2    Argument '1': cannot convert from 'BLL.Company' to 'BOL.ICompany<BOL.IPerson>'    
public interface ICompany<T> where T:IPerson
        string CompanyName { get;set;}
        List<T> People { get;}
        string GetMessage(BOL.ICompany<BOL.IPerson> company);
public interface IPerson
        string FirstName { get; set;  }

        string GetMessage(BOL.IPerson person);


public class Company : DAL.CompanyProvider, BOL.ICompany<Person>
        public Company() { }
        private string companyName;
        public string CompanyName
            get { return companyName; }
            set { companyName = value; }

        private List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
        public List<Person> People{get{return people;}}

        public override string GetMessage(BOL.ICompany<BOL.IPerson> company)
            return DAL.CompanyProvider.Instance.GetMessage(company);
public class Person : DAL.PersonProvider, BOL.IPerson
        public Person() { }
        private string firstName;
        public string FirstName { get { return firstName; } set { firstName = value; } }
        public override string GetMessage(BOL.IPerson person)
            return DAL.PersonProvider.Instance.GetMessage(person);

public abstract class CompanyProvider
        static private CompanyProvider _instance = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an instance of the provider type specified in the config file
        /// </summary>
        static public CompanyProvider Instance
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = (CompanyProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(
                return _instance;
        public abstract string GetMessage(BOL.ICompany<BOL.IPerson> iCompany);

    public abstract class PersonProvider
        static private PersonProvider _instance = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an instance of the provider type specified in the config file
        /// </summary>
        static public PersonProvider Instance
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = (PersonProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(
                return _instance;
        public abstract string GetMessage(BOL.IPerson person);

and the provider in the DAL
public class RS232_Company:CompanyProvider
        public override string GetMessage(BOL.ICompany<BOL.IPerson> company)
            return company.CompanyName + "_RS232";
    public class RS232_Person : PersonProvider
        public override string GetMessage(BOL.IPerson person)
            return person.FirstName + "_RS232";

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Old January 3rd, 2007, 03:21 AM
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Hi Rod,

I can take a look at this, but probably not before tonight (it's morning here now).

Is it possible to send me a complete VS solution for this? Maybe as a simple console app or class library or whatever you have right now? Makes it easier for me to take a look at it. Please remove as much as possible irrelevant classes etc....

You can send me an e-mail through my profile page, I'll respond and then you have my e-mail address.


Imar Spaanjaars
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Old January 3rd, 2007, 04:37 PM
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Hi Rod,

Bad news; I haven't been able to find a solution. I have been able to get the code to compile by changing a few classes and methods. For example, I changed CompanyProvider to CompanyProvider<T> and I changed Company to:

public class Company : DAL.CompanyProvider<BOL.ICompany<BOL.IPerson>>, BOL.ICompany<Person>

Pretty messy as you can see. It uses nested reflection....

However, I ended up with methods like this:

public string GetMessage(ICompany<Person> iCompany)
  return DAL.CompanyProvider<ICompany<Person>>.Instance.Get Message(iCompany);

The Person class in the end worked (but I think it already did), but I get run-time errors in the Instance property for the company when this is called:

_instance = (CompanyProvider<T>) Activator.CreateInstance(

This fails because WS_Company cannot be casted to CompanyProvider<T>

This may have to do with how you instantiate generic types with the Activator. There's an article on MSDN that suggests this works a little bit different, but I am not sure if it applies to your situation. http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b8ytshk6.aspx

I think the main reason I can't solve this because I don't really know what you want. I can see what the code does, and what it's supposed to, but I don't know your design decisions, and the things you may be willing to change. For example, why does GetMessage get a reference back to itself:


There are other things that may be changed without affecting your original intent that makes it easier to create something like this. However, explaining or building something like this over e-mail is extremely difficult. It would be so much easier if I were sitting next to you with some fresh coffee to think this through... ;)

The answer may be in self referencing types, but I don't know exactly how. In the CSLA .NET 2 Framework by Rockford Lhotka some interesting generics are used, like this:

public class MyList : BusinessListBase<MyList, myChild>

Here, the BusinessListBase class is created with the same type as the type that is defined. This makes for strongly typed properties of type MyList, defined in the base class BusinessListBase. Not sure if, and how this helps, but it may push you in the right direction.

Anyway, it was a fun exercise. I'd be happy to help more if you want, or send the stuff I tried (it's a bit messy now, but it may give you some ideas), but I am afraid that at this point there isn't much for me to do right now....


Imar Spaanjaars
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