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Old April 1st, 2007, 10:25 PM
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Default [Urgent] Server Side custom exception

Hi all,

I had created a Remoting Custom Exception that inherits from System.Exception.

Below is the coding that i wrote,

// Remoting Custom Exception

   public class DbActionException : Exception
       public DbActionException() : base()
       { }
       public DbActionException(string message)
           : base(message)
       { }
       public DbActionException(string message, System.Exception inner)
           : base(message, inner)
       { }
       protected DbActionException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext
           : base(info, context)
       { }
       public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info,
StreamingContext context)
           base.GetObjectData(info, context);

// in DAL Layer

try{ //Do somethings }
catch(Exception ex)
  throw new DbActionException(ex.ToString());

// in Service Layer

try{ //Do somethings }
catch(DbActionException ex)
  throw ex;

// in UI Layer

try{ //Do somethings }
catch(DbActionException ex)
 ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "LoggingPolicy")

The problem is - in my UI layer (client side), it requests for server layer's
assembly. If i didn't add the service layer assembly, the error of Could not
load file or assembly <name>, Version=<version>... or one of its dependencies.
The system cannot find the file specified.":"<name>, Version=<version>...
If i added the service layer assembly, this error won't occur and the
exception is succeed to log. But as everyone knows that it is make sense that
service layer dll cannot be added at UI layer right?

Do anyone have the solution?
Thanks for any reply!
Old April 1st, 2007, 11:53 PM
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While I'm not entirely sure I understand the question, I'll offer this explanation:

In order for remoting to function, you need to have the remoted objects available at both ends of the communications. If the objects you are remoting live in your server layer dll, then yes, you need to have that server layer DLL wherever the UI is calling it. The difference is that the code in the actual server layer DLL at the UI end is not executing. It's executing at the server, thru the remoting channel. However, the UI is using the server layer DLL as the reference for the class definitions.

Often, this kind of scenario is simplified by creating an assembly of very simple classes, or even just of interfaces. The types that are remoted are the interfaces themselves instead of the classes that implement those interfaces. This benefits you two-fold: A) you don't need to distribute your logic in an assembly just so the consumer (UI in your case) has it for the necessary reference, and also B) by exposing interfaces as the remoted object, you can much more easily change the actual class that is instantiated without breaking the consumers of the remoted objects.

Old April 3rd, 2007, 04:11 AM
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how about i write my prob in this way...

I created a Custom Exception that inherits from ApplicationException.
This is declared in an assembly that is on the server side.

I made this class serializable and overloaded all the necessary
constructors for the serialization to work. The problem is that rigth
now I'm forced to have the assembly from the server side present on the
client side. If not will get an error saying:
"Cannot find the assembly <name>, Version=<version> ......."

I cannot have this assembly on the client side, and I would prefer not
have to create a DLL only for an exception. Is there any way to get
this custom exception to work without having to carry over the server
side code?

I was hoping that Remoting with Serialization would remove the need to
have the server side DLL on the client. any more advice or solution for this problem??

Old April 3rd, 2007, 07:44 AM
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Remoting requires the presence of the assembly that contains the class to be remoted. That's how it works. Even though the actual code inside the class doesn't get executed on the consumer side (client), the class needs to be there. This is the idea behind using a library of interfaces as the distributed library. The remoted objects are interfaces instead of classes. However, in the case of an exception, you'll need to put it in the library that is used at the consumer end.

If you want to keep all the server side entities masked from the consuming side then you might want to try web services instead of remoting. The web service will expose what it needs, and the consumer side will have a proxy that creates stub entities to mirror what is exposed through the service(s). This is the only way I see of doing what you are asking.


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