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Old May 29th, 2007, 12:53 PM
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Default save changes to datagridview

Hi all this is my first post here, hope I'm in the right place. If not please redirect:

I fetch a dataset from the db then set a datagridview's datasource to a table in the returned dataset. The user can make changes on the datagridview. I want to update the db, but instead posting the entire dataset back, I would like to just give the rows from the dgv (if any) which have been modified/added.

Not sure how to do this. Should I use an event handler from the dgv - if so which one(s)?

Or would it be better to try to compare the new dataset with a copy of the original dataset?

I would prefer to update a row after a cell has been edited/modified/added - but need to give the db the entire row, not just the cell. Don't need help w/db code just how to get the rows from dgv. Hope that makes sense, I'm new at this and coding in VB so if you could provide a little code to get the ball rolling, I'd really appreciate it, TIA


Old May 30th, 2007, 08:13 AM
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Due to lack of interest on this forum, I have cross-posted here:


sorry for the inconvenience-

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