I have since discovered that the reason why it didnt work on my friends PC was before he had a very
outdated version of Flash player on his works PC (OS - Win98 and IE 5.5)
The problem I puzzled over with the above code was to why it didn't just show the standard image if it couldnt
get the Flash to work. But then I realised why it was just showing a blank box.
Basically, I generated the .swf file to work for Players 7+. Therefore, people with historic players
would encounter such problems, as the browser knew what was trying to be displayed - it was just that the player couldnt play it and locked up - right?
Anyway having posting this comment in another forum thread. I was advised to change my code to
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flash/myload.swf?path=flash/solace-logo.swf"
width="670" height="115">
<param name="movie" value="flash/myload.swf?path=flash/solace-logo.swf" />
<img src="images/logo.jpg" width="670" height="115" alt="" />
Having changed to this code - my friend with the historic browser
now gets a box and message prompt stating that the plug-in attempting to be used
is out of date.
For more information on this new code goto: [link]http://www.alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay[/link]