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arnabghosh December 23rd, 2005 07:24 AM

Printing fit to page print
Hi everyone !!
I have an HTM page which I want to print but whenever I see the print preview I can see only a portion of the page and not the whole page. I am using javascript document.print(). Is there any javascript code which I can use while the page loads so that the page fits to size whenever I see the preview and print it.

Any help would be great !!

Arnab Ghosh

m.paranjape July 27th, 2007 04:00 AM

Hi ,

I am facing the same problem while printing using the window.print() method of javascript. What happens is the content does not fit on te A4 page.

Appreciate if you could help.


mat41 July 29th, 2007 05:58 PM

Try using percentages on your page layout, this works for me.

IME - printers do have a mind of thier own which I do not believe ASP has a prognosis for

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