Checking a checkbox on click of a row in a table
How to check a checkbox added in a table by clicking anywhere in the table row?
Adventure, Play, Alive, Fast, Race, Addict, React, Attack, Heat, Aggression, Blast, Ahead, Escape, Challenge, Anarchy, Game, Real, Damage, Insane, Acclerate,Passion, Fear, Dominate, Crazy, Awesome, Sweat, Habit, Avenge, Balls, Imagine, Viril, Chaos, Amuse, Heavy, Panic, @#!%, Fanatic
<b><i>Adventure, Play, Alive, Fast, Race, Addict, React, Attack, Heat, Aggression, Blast, Ahead, Escape, Challenge, Anarchy, Game, Real, Damage, Insane, Acclerate,Passion, Fear, Dominate, Crazy, Awesome, Sweat, Habit, Avenge, Balls, Imagine, Viril, Chaos, Amuse, Heavy, Panic, @#!%, Fanatic </i></b>