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Old April 13th, 2008, 08:09 PM
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Default How to assign a new value to Classic ASP variable


How to assign a new value to Classic ASP variable in Javascript?

dim strAction
strAction = "1"

<script language="JavaScript">
  // How can assign value "2" to strAction?

<% response.write "strAction: " & strAction %>
Thank you. :)


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Love all the creatures because of the creator.
Old April 14th, 2008, 12:05 AM
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dim strAction
strAction = "1"

<script language="JavaScript">
 var s = <%=strAction%>

Om Prakash
Old April 14th, 2008, 08:30 AM
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Thanks for the reply.
I meant it
dim strAction
strAction = "1"

<script language="JavaScript">
 <%strAction%> = 2 // if this is possible.


Love all the creatures because of the creator.
Old April 14th, 2008, 08:37 AM
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All your code will do is create some client-side code that reads:
1 = 2;
Obviously you can't set one equal to two and neither is 's' defined.

You must get it clear in your mind where the code runs. The ASP runs on the server after the .asp file is loaded in response to a request received by IIS and passed to the ASP handler. It is then sent to the client where the JavaScript runs. The two systems cannot directly interact.


Joe (Microsoft MVP - XML)
Old April 14th, 2008, 06:02 PM
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IME the oly effective way I have found is to post the JS value (hidden form variable or otherwise) to another page to get it into ASP. Yes this requires another page however it does not have to have a user interface EG post > get value > redirect

There are loads of example of this on the www. Ask Google you will be suprised at how many pages detail exactly how to do this.

That example om_prakash has given you passes the variable the other way, clearly very easy to do this. BTW - As Joe says, you can not use ASP like you have in your second post

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