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Old May 16th, 2006, 03:47 AM
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Default how to return value from modal dialog

how can i return value from a modal dialog.
It doesnt return anything when i do window.returnValue='somevalue' just before window.close().

Logically it should work but practically it doesnt.

i have written the code with which the new page is to be displayed rather than giving the address of the page.(i badly need to do it this way)


Old May 16th, 2006, 04:47 AM
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Hi Ajay

Can't you pass the value you want into a hidden field on your main page? If you close a browser window all variables that relate to that window are cleared, so you need to pass the value BEFORE you close it.

Hope that helps

Old May 16th, 2006, 05:14 AM
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Hi Joe,

Thanks a lot for replying, but i am still confused how will i go about setting a value in the hidden field.
My sample code is below, i tried to set value in the text field 'retvalA'( i ve removed that code now) but was not able to access it in modal dialog's javascript funtion.

       <script language="javascript">
function OpenChild()
    var ParmA1 = f1.retvalA.value;

    var WinSettings = "center:yes;resizable:no;dialogHeight:300px;dialog Width:700px;html:hello"

    var titl="<TITLE>Child Webform</TITLE> ";

    var scrst="<scr";

    var scrend="ipt>";

    var js= scrst + "ipt language=\"javascript\">"
            +" function Done() { "
            + " var ParmA = tbParamA.value;"
            +" window.returnValue = ParmA; "
            +" alert(\"ParamA=\" + window.returnValue); "
            +" window.close();"
            +" } "
            +" function Exit() { "
            +" window.close(); "
            +" } "
            +" </scr" + scrend;

    var bdy= "This is just for testing. Your name is " + ParmA1
             +"<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT id=\"tbParamA\" TYPE=\"text\" size=30 value=\"this the original value\"></P>"
             +" <TABLE width=200 >"
             +" <TR>"
             +" <TD width=50%><BUTTON size=100 onclick=\"Done()\" type=\"button\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs p;OK&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</BUTTON></TD>"
             +" <TD width=50%><BUTTON size=100 onclick=\"Exit()\" type=\"button\"> CANCEL </BUTTON></TD>"
             +" </TR>"
             +" </TABLE>";

    var pg="javascript:'<html><head>" + titl + js + "</head><body> "+ bdy +" </body></html>'";

    var MyArgs = window.showModalDialog(pg,'',WinSettings);

    if (MyArgs == null)
          "Nothing returned from child. No changes made to input boxes")
  <form name="f1">
   <P><INPUT type="text" name="retvalA" value="AAA"></P>

   <P><BUTTON type="button" onclick="OpenChild()">
       Open Child Window</BUTTON>

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