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Old March 28th, 2009, 12:16 AM
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Default Jquery html() on IE browser

I was wondering if anyone has a used and encountered this problem with IE using jquery

function abc(t) {
var o = document.getElementById('dm');;
var s = "<form><button onclick='alert(\"here\");return false;' name='btn'>button</button></form>";
alert('Click ok to load DOM...');
o.innerHTML = (s + t);
alert('DOM loaded. Noticed that the javascript inside the HTML is not executed.')

alert('Click ok to load via Jquery');
$('#jq').html((s + t));
alert('Jquery completed. The js inside the HTML is executed but check the buttons when you click.');


<BODY onload="abc('<div><script type=\'text/javascript\'>alert(\'inside\');</script></div>');">
DOM getElementById
<div id="dm">dm
<br />&nbsp;<br />
<div id="jq">jq


This works okay in FireFox but on IE, the onClick event is not fired when the HTML code is loaded using Jquery $('#jq').html(...). I have been searching the internet for an answer but couldn't find one.

The alternative is to $.bind() the button after it has been loaded.

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