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.NET Web Services Discussions about .NET XML Web Service technologies including ASMX files, WSDL and SOAP.
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 04:25 PM
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Default How to access web service in win forms

I have written a web service in C#. I want to consume that web service in C# winforms.
How can i do this?.
Can anybody help me out on this with sample coding?.
How can i access Web Service through coding instead of wizards styles(add web reference)...

Thanks in advance!!!!.....


Saravanan K

Old May 2nd, 2007, 09:54 PM
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Why not use the proxy that gets created for you when you add a web reference?

If you want to learn how to "talk" to the web service... add a web reference, then look at the proxy class generated. It will be the best example of the code that you would write to talk to your web service.

Old May 5th, 2007, 06:49 AM
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These are the steps you need to follow...
1. With the help of WSDL.exe create the proxy.
2. Add this proxy class in your project.
3. Create the object of the proxy class.
4. Invoke the method.


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