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Old April 13th, 2004, 07:27 AM
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Default Constraint for names

Is is possible to create a constraint which checks that all characters in a string (e.g. a person's name) are letters or certain allowed characters such as an apostrophe or hyphen?

John D'Arcy-Smith is allowed
Peter Sm1!th is not allowed.


Old April 13th, 2004, 07:37 AM
aas aas is offline
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why do you want create it is as constraint?
You can create trigger on your table (before insert or update) and check :new.name.

Old April 14th, 2004, 01:29 PM
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I have a type (UDT) for names, which is used in several tables. I would like the constraint to apply to the type so that I don't have to add a trigger for every table. Every time a table is created which uses the name type, the constraint will automatically apply.

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