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Old August 28th, 2003, 01:49 PM
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Default Microsoft Query and Oracle

I can´t get Microsoft Query to work right in my excel. I am running it against a Oracle database,

trying to run the query:

SELECT tu.unitmaster_id, tu.name, tu.creation_date
        FROM tunit tu, (SELECT max(creation_date) as maxdate, name
                        FROM tunit
                        GROUP BY name) maxresults
            WHERE tu.name = maxresults.name
            AND tu.creation_date= maxresults.maxdate
            AND tu.language='pt'
                ORDER BY NAME

It works fine on SQLNavigator but when I run the same query on microsoft query, it won´t work, saying

it can´t add a select table or something. Can anyone help me with that, I am definitely in need...


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