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Old June 13th, 2006, 10:28 AM
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Default Tunning Through Forms 6i


I am the student of Oracle Developer forms 6i.
I am using Windows XP O/S and 10 G database with forms 6i.

With regard to SQL Tracing I would like to ask the following please suggest me :

1. I want to enable SQL Tracing through forms 6i, in this regard there is no clear concept coming in my mind that how should I enable SQL Trace for a particular Session from forms 6i.
 I read in another book that ifrun60 command with statsistic= yes on command line would enable forms 6i sql tracing. If yes then how should I automize this command in my forms application. I mean where should I place this command in forms 6i in order to start sql tracing of this form application. As well as what should we do if I want to enable tracing for a particular session from forms 6i and the output of a SQL Trace file would be generated on forms screen.

           I know there is a Sys.dbms_system.set_sql_trace package and Alter session command available for enabling Sql Tracing, but how should we do that via forms 6i.
I will appreciate if you please suggest me and give me the clear picture about what I am wanting. I know there are several GUI tools available in Oracle but I have to do this through forms.



Old June 21st, 2006, 11:58 PM
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could I pay an amount in order to get the solution on that forum?
Please inform me that how much I pay in orde to get membership so I will recieve answers.



Old July 1st, 2006, 12:42 AM
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I am sorry to say that This P2p forum are not good as other forums regarding respone.
So in future I will not waste my time in order to post to this forum.


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