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Old December 1st, 2003, 05:25 AM
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Default how to select where rownum BETWEEN 50 and 100?


I would like to know how to select a certain number of records,
for example, in a web site, we must display a number of records(25) and we must browse them 25 per 25.

how shall I ask Oracle to give me the 25 next records or the 25 previous records?
for example: first time: select A from B where rownum between 1 and 25
             second time where rownum between 25 and 50
and so on...
can you help me?

thanks in advance.


Old December 1st, 2003, 12:53 PM
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This is done with the LIMIT and OFFSET keywords. LIMIT is how many rows to return. OFFSET is the first row of your result set.

Keep in mind that a database stores sets of data -- unless you specify how to order your data, there is no guarantee that the same query will return the result set in the same order. It's always a good idea to use SOME sort of explicit ordering (using ORDER BY <column>) when using LIMIT and OFFSET clauses in your query.

Take care,


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