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Old January 20th, 2004, 06:45 PM
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Default Delphi ADO Query

When I convert our Delphi-Oracle BDE applications to ADO, I get an error after I try to add the query fields. The SQL statement uses a parameter:


The error is:
Cannot add fields to qryCOMPANYPHONE. Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete info was provided.
Old January 30th, 2004, 03:19 PM
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Try using a questions mark...

I don't know Delphi, but in .Net (using C# code), the "Add" method for an OleDbCommand object binds the replacible parameters for a query. Consider the following C# code (from an application we have here at Maryland)

string queryError = "SELECT Count(*) " +
                    "FROM UM_ERROR_LOG " +
                    "WHERE TRANS_DATE = ? AND UNIT_CODE = ?";
OleDbCommand cmd3 = new OleDbCommand(queryError, Global.cn);
             cmd3.Parameters.Add("prmTransDate", tdate);
             cmd3.Parameters.Add("prmUnitcode", unitcode);
             lblError.Text = cmd3.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

I hope this is helpful

Fuller Ming, Jr.
Assistant Director, MIS/IT
University of Maryland
Department of Dining Services
Old February 2nd, 2004, 12:49 PM
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Using a ? resulted to "SQL command not properly ended". How I solved this was to remove the parameter clause, add the fields and restore the parameter clause. It worked but I hoped there was a neater solution. Thanks.

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