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Old May 25th, 2005, 03:23 PM
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Default inserting into oracle using php

When I try to insert a string that contains an apostrophe or single quote into my oracle database from a php script, it gives me an error. So I tried searching the string for any single quotes and using ereg_replace("'","''",$str);, to replace any single quotes with two single quotes. It was able to insert, but, instead of inserting a single quote, it inserted a backslash (\), before the single quote. (\')

Any ideas of how to insert an apostrophe or single quote into an oracle database using php?

Old May 26th, 2005, 03:01 AM
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Ues addslashes($data) before inserting data to db. After retrieval from db use stripslahes($data), before displaying data.

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