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Old May 26th, 2004, 11:34 AM
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Default Result Pagination not directly from database

Hey guys...

I need some help here. I have a database of employee's unavailability with fields of start and end dates (both in format of YYYY/MM/DD) of unavailability of the employee.

I have no problem using result pagination directly from database so far since at this moment all the records in the database are the records of the current year. The problem came across in my mind about what will happen in the future when the records getting bigger and bigger and bigger. It will take forever if my script has to go through all those records.

So, what I have in my mind is, to go through all the records once, select ONLY current year's records and save them on some kind of array. From there, I hope I can do anything with the selected records. However, I cannot use them when I try to display the selected records using pagination.

My questions are:
- does the pagination-result code only work with result which directly taken from sql queries?
- what are possible solutions of my problem without i have to modify my database?

Thanks in advanced and any help are welcome... :D

« Wayang Mßeling »
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ASP Newbie needs guidances here
« Wayang Mßeling »
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ASP/PHP Prog. Wannabe needs guidances here
Old June 3rd, 2004, 01:35 AM
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Admitedly I've not much experience with MySQL timestamps, I've always chosen to handle that with PHP. But something like this might work:

mysql_query("SELECT FROM table WHERE YEAR(time_stamp_field) >= ".date('Y'));



The Spicy Peanut Project
Old June 9th, 2004, 01:35 PM
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Hey Rich...

thanks for the reply...i'll take a look at the link...it looks like that is the one I need... i will let you know the result thanks once again... :D

« Wayang Mßeling »
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ASP/PHP Prog. Wannabe needs guidances here

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