How do I insert data into multiple table ?
Greetings to all,
I am new to this forum and fairly new to php/mysql.
I have been trying to learn how to insert data into multiple tables in mysql database. Here is a sample of the script that I use.........
@$link = mysql_connect(SYSTEM,USERNAME,PASSWORD);
echo "Database seems to be down";
mysql_select_db(DATABASE) or die( "Unable to select database");
$query = "INSERT INTO 'table1','table2','table3' WHERE field1= ".$_POST['field1']." AND field2= ".$_POST['field2']." ";
$result = @mysql_query($query);
echo "Error - Could not insert your data into the database.";
echo mysql_error().'<br>';
My problem is that mysql_error(). tells me there is an error in my syntax on line 1 which would be $query = ............
Can someone tell me what is wrong with my script and how to correct it?
Barry Alexander