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Old February 6th, 2006, 02:05 PM
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Default problem writing dynamic value into text file in ph

Hi all. i have a little problem writing dynamic value to a ram.txt file. I want write the following infor int a text file:
<player showDisplay="yes" showPlaylist="yes" autoStart="yes">
  <song path="http://localhost/flash_mp3_player/mp3/08 - Track 8.mp3" title="tajik" /> 
  <song path="http://localhost/flash_mp3_player/mp3/13 - Gar Aya.mp3" title="gar aya" /> 
The song path for each song id i pass.
<player showDisplay="yes" showPlaylist="yes" autoStart="yes">
are written once at the start and end of the text file.The title is just the name of song without .mp3 extention.

Currently when i call the code like this:


the only information which is get written to text file is the url but i want write song path and title in above mention format.

I be happy if an expert help me here.Thanks

ram4.php code

$url[1] = "http://localhost/flash_mp3_player/mp3/08 - Track 8.mp3";
$url[2] = "http://localhost/flash_mp3_player/mp3/13 - Gar Aya.mp3";
$url[3] = "http://localhost/flash_mp3_player/mp3/Soroush - Yeh Donya - 02 Shoghe Nafas.mp3";

$mycontent = "";
if (isset($_GET["sid"]))
   $allsid = explode (",",$_GET["sid"]);
   $mycontent = array();
   foreach ($allsid AS $value)
      $mycontent[] = $url[$value];

echo $mycontent;

$handle = fopen ("ram.txt","w+");
if ($handle)
  if (fwrite ( $handle,implode("\r\n",$mycontent)."\r\n") )
  } else
  fclose ($handle);
} else
require 'config.txt';

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