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Old May 17th, 2008, 04:56 PM
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Default choose between two directories and use one

i have something like this

$dir = array("http://www.asdf.com/files", "/var/www/html/videos");

how can i check both to see if a certain file exist in one of the two directories, and use whicheverone has it.

if both have the same file, then always use the first directory $dir[0]

I tried using foreach($dir as $directory) {} but all the url end up becoming


where did the Array/ appear from ?

also, I have header(location:"http://www.asdf.com/file). how can i make it check both directories and choose whichever one has the specific file, if both have it, then put priority over the asdf.com directory.

thank you.

Old June 3rd, 2008, 05:07 PM
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What you have should work?

foreach ($dir as $directory) {
   \\here you want to echo out directory not dir
   echo $directory .'<br />'
   \\you can check if the file/directory exists
   \\with the functions is_file() or is_dir()
   \\check php.net for usage

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