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Old October 1st, 2004, 08:46 AM
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Default VB.Net -> Filename -> DTS Package -> tempdB

Hope this is the correct forum as I did not want to cross post.

My scenario
 - A VB.Net UI that the user can browse to a csv (already coded)
 - Missing bit (see below)
 - I have a DTS package setup that takes a filename (text.csv) and creates a temp table in tempdB within SQL Server.

Missing Bit
What I want to do in vb is pass the csv filename as a string to the DTS package and run it with the new csv file.

If anyone could point me to any links or give some pointers, i'd be grateful.


Old October 7th, 2004, 01:46 PM
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Are you running using the DTSRUN utility, or the SQL Server DTS library? You could use a parameter in a package that takes the name of the file. This parameter is what is used to retrieve the data from. Use a dynamic task to change the name of the package at package runtime.



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