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Old September 26th, 2005, 11:57 PM
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Default displayin multiple/same datasets in ma combo box

im desperately need sumone's help to sovle ma combo box prob..
im using sql server 2000 connected to ma vb.net application..
when i open n close n open back a form which contains combo box..
it displays a multiple datasets ..for example..

lets say ma combo box contains...

n if i open a form again then it wil display t list of combo box like this..

plz...sumone guide me urgently/immedietely...as i hv to b dun this proj b4 tis thursday, 29th September 2005

here in i hv attached also ma code..

    Public sqlEmp As String = "Select * from [Employee] order by id"
    Public sqlMT As String = "Select * from [monthly type]"
    Public sqlGr As String = "Select * from [Grade]"
    Public sqlPos As String = "Select * from [Position]"
    Public sqlEmpStas As String = "Select * from [Employee Status]"
    Public sqlEmpType As String = "Select * from [EmploymentType]"
    Public sqlBank As String = "Select * from [Bank]"
    Public sqlBB As String = "Select * from [Bank Branch]"

    Public ds0, ds1, ds2, ds3, ds4, ds5, ds6, ds7, ds8, ds9 As New DataSet

    Public dvm0 As DataViewManager = ds1.DefaultViewManager
    Public dvm1 As DataViewManager = ds1.DefaultViewManager
    Public dvm2 As DataViewManager = ds2.DefaultViewManager
    Public dvm3 As DataViewManager = ds3.DefaultViewManager
    Public dvm4 As DataViewManager = ds4.DefaultViewManager
    Public dvm5 As DataViewManager = ds5.DefaultViewManager
    Public dvm6 As DataViewManager = ds6.DefaultViewManager
    Public dvm7 As DataViewManager = ds7.DefaultViewManager
    Public dvm8 As DataViewManager = ds8.DefaultViewManager

            'Open connection

            Dim da0 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlEmp, myConn)
            Dim da1 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlMT, myConn)
            Dim da2 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlGr, myConn)
            Dim da3 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlPos, myConn)
            Dim da4 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlEmpType, myConn)
            Dim da5 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlEmpStas, myConn)
            Dim da6 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlPayStas, myConn)
            Dim da7 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlBank, myConn)
            Dim da8 As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlBB, myConn)

            da0.Fill(ds0, "[Employee]")
            cb0.DataSource = dvm0
            cb0.DisplayMember = "[Employee].emp_no"

            da1.Fill(ds1, "[monthly type]")
            cb1.DataSource = dvm1
            cb1.DisplayMember = "[monthly type].description"

            da2.Fill(ds2, "[Grade]")
            cb2.DataSource = dvm2
            cb2.DisplayMember = "[Grade].description"

            da3.Fill(ds3, "[Position]")
            cb3.DataSource = dvm3
            cb3.DisplayMember = "[Position].description"

            da4.Fill(ds4, "[EmploymentType]")
            cb4.DataSource = dvm4
            cb4.DisplayMember = "[EmploymentType].description"

            da5.Fill(ds5, "[Employee Status]")
            cb5.DataSource = dvm5
            cb5.DisplayMember = "[Employee Status].description"

            da6.Fill(ds6, "[Payroll Status]")
            cb6.DataSource = dvm6
            cb6.DisplayMember = "[Payroll Status].description"

            da7.Fill(ds7, "[Bank]")
            cb7.DataSource = dvm7
            cb7.DisplayMember = "[Bank].Bank"

            da8.Fill(ds8, "[Bank Branch]")
            cb8.DataSource = dvm8
            cb8.DisplayMember = "[Bank Branch].Branch"
        Catch ae As SqlException
        End Try

dave libranza oneal

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