MDX - where clause with parameters??
I know that this might not be the right forum as it is for SQL language and my question is about MDX syntax, but as I have had a lot of help from here before I give it a try anyway. Ther might be someone who knows.
I have the following question
="SELECT {[Measures].members} on columns, NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN([aktor].[aktor].members, [Innovation].[utl].members) on rows FROM MedFact WHERE (" & Parameters!pFinance.value & ")"
I have populated one dataset for the "pFinance" parameter and one for another parameter, "pTime"
My question is; What is the correct syntax to add the pTime parameter so I get a AND in the where clause? What I want is something like: SELECT ...... WHERE pFinance AND pTime
Thanks in advance