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Old February 15th, 2005, 07:16 AM
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Default getting a query rows as columns

I have a table with 3 columns as follows.

EmpNo MonthNo Sal
 1 1 1500
 1 2 2500
like this..

can I get out put as follows...

           1 2 3 4 5(Months)
Empno 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500

like that.. can i get this output with a query.
There is no posibility to
change my database design. can any one of u help me

Old February 24th, 2005, 04:06 AM
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Using the CASE syntax and aggregate function SUM in combination, you can write a query as below to get the desired result.

    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 1 then Sal else 0 END) Month_01,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 2 then Sal else 0 END) Month_02,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 3 then Sal else 0 END) Month_03,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 4 then Sal else 0 END) Month_04,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 5 then Sal else 0 END) Month_05,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 6 then Sal else 0 END) Month_06,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 7 then Sal else 0 END) Month_07,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 8 then Sal else 0 END) Month_08,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 9 then Sal else 0 END) Month_09,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 10 then Sal else 0 END) Month_10,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 11 then Sal else 0 END) Month_11,
    Sum(Case MonthNo WHEN 12 then Sal else 0 END) Month_12
FROM EmpSalary
group by EmpNo

Pooja Falor

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