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Old May 1st, 2007, 04:56 AM
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Default Help with Query Syntax

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance. I am wokring on a query that unfortunately, I am unable to post any data due to privacy issues (albeit test data). However, here is what I am trying to accomplish. Let's assume I make an initial single query to the tblPatientVisit table

Select MRNumber From tblPatientVisits Where VisitDate > '1/1/2005'

Should return numerous records to the tune of






I now want to take the results of this query (it should return several thousand records with multiple occurrences of the same MRNumber) and query it against the tblPtmstr table to return each individual visit's zip code. For example:

MRNumber Zip Code

3122 34120

3122 34120

3122 34120

TI've tried numerous JOINS but always seem to miss data. Thanks for the assistance.

Old May 1st, 2007, 06:42 AM
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hmmm. What is the relationship tblPatientVisit and tblPtmstr? Assuming that there is a relationship between the 2 tables based on the column MRNumber this should work:

FROM tblPatientVisit v
LEFT JOIN tblPtmstr p on v.MRNumber = p.MRNumber
WHERE Convert(varchar(10), v.VisitDate, 101) = '01/01/2005'


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