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Old January 30th, 2008, 10:26 AM
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Default Select Count from multiple tables


Hope you can help.

Essentially i am trying to select COUNT() from 5 results tables where a user id is present and bring back a single value.

The table names are -


and the user id field is called "usrid" which for example would be '10019'

I have little experience with Joining tables and as yet have not found an example which works.

If anyone could assist that would be superb.


Old January 30th, 2008, 10:32 AM
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Something like this should work, depending on what you want to do you may have to change the Joins:

    Count(r1.pk) as RS10,
    Count(r2.pk) as RS11,
    Count(r3.pk) as RS12,
    Count(r4.pk) as RS13,
    Count(r5.pk) as RS14,
from RS10 r1
INNER JOIN RS11 r2 on r1.UserID = r2.UserID
INNER JOIN RS12 r3 on r1.UserID = r3.UserID
INNER JOIN RS13 r4 on r1.UserID = r4.UserID
INNER JOIN RS14 r5 on r1.UserID = r5.UserID
WHERE r1.userID = 10019

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