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Old April 18th, 2008, 10:40 AM
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Default Cast varchar as int SQL Server 2005

I have a table [tbl_Controls] that contains the Field [ControlValue] nvarchar(250) (Data Example '1,2,3') w/o the '
If I have a single nuber as (Data Example '1') w/o the ', the query works correctly

I need to filter the following, The field [ProductType_ID] Integer

select ProductType_ID,Category from tbl_ProductsCategories
Where ProductType_ID in (Select Cast (ControlValue as integer) from tbl_Controls where controlid = 17)
Old April 23rd, 2008, 06:03 AM
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You cannot cast comma separated list as integer and use.

What you can probably do is create temp table and store this comma separated data in this table and use in SQL query.

Om Prakash
Old April 23rd, 2008, 06:09 AM
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Please check the following link:

Om Prakash

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