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Old April 21st, 2004, 02:01 AM
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Default transfer local database to web server

I have an existing database (sql server 2k) as well as backup database. the problem is how do I transfer or restore it into my web host server database.

1. my web host server provide me an IP address with user name and pwd. I have no problem connecting it by unsing Enterprise Manager 2k.

2. the user name only have permission (owner) only

3. I have tried using DTS, it won't work

4. I have tried to restore my database on my local machine to my web host but won't work.

Please help me, how do I transfer my existing database well include datas and store procedure to my web server. the tech support are help less. all the said is using enterprise manager. I have no problem to re-create new table or store procedure on web server database, but I have more than 43k datas were store in table that I want to upload to web server.

thank you
Old April 22nd, 2004, 05:55 AM
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I would say, you backup the database locally and copy the backedup database file to your web host server, and restore it there using EM. That should help you if you have permission to copy files to your web host server.


-Vijay G

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