SQL Server 2000General discussion of Microsoft SQL Server -- for topics that don't fit in one of the more specific SQL Server forums. version 2000 only. There's a new forum for SQL Server 2005.
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I am using the 'datetime' datatype for a column in one of my databases which seems to write to the database as "2004-09-21T00:00:00".
I was wondering if there is a datatype I could use where I'll still get the date written to the column but without the time rubbish on the end of it?
As for as the sql server it is the only one data type for date and time and it depends on your language which you are using to provide the value to the column. So that language only provide it the date value and not time. Like ASP has different functions for date and time so you can provide sql only date value to that columns
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The strange thing is when I view the data in Enterprise Manager (by going Open Table --> Return All Rows) it only displays the date as "21/09/2004" which is exactly how I want it.
But when I run a query in Query Analyzer or query the results using XML that's when I get the "2004-09-21T00:00:00" so I'm a bit confused.