Moving Selected Items from a list box to excel
I am using Access ADP Application with a SQL Server 2000 Back end. Do to the nature of our business (Used equipment), I need to create a list for our sales department for marketing. My inventory consists of thousands of unique items. I want to display a multi-select list box with certain basic criteria (Such as items with a certain make and model). I then want to let the sales person decide which of these they want to present to a client (There may be several reasons they would want to select a particular item over another, such as a customer will only except those units that have a serial number starting with 'ABC' since that indicates when it was Produced. When they have selected their items, they want to move those items selected into a Excel spreadsheet to either fax, print or email to the customer.
They may select several different makes and models for the customer before sending the excel spreadsheet.
I will have several sales people accessing the data at the same time.
Any ideas on how to address this problem.