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Old August 18th, 2005, 02:54 PM
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Default Moving Selected Items from a list box to excel

I am using Access ADP Application with a SQL Server 2000 Back end. Do to the nature of our business (Used equipment), I need to create a list for our sales department for marketing. My inventory consists of thousands of unique items. I want to display a multi-select list box with certain basic criteria (Such as items with a certain make and model). I then want to let the sales person decide which of these they want to present to a client (There may be several reasons they would want to select a particular item over another, such as a customer will only except those units that have a serial number starting with 'ABC' since that indicates when it was Produced. When they have selected their items, they want to move those items selected into a Excel spreadsheet to either fax, print or email to the customer.
They may select several different makes and models for the customer before sending the excel spreadsheet.
I will have several sales people accessing the data at the same time.
Any ideas on how to address this problem.

Old August 19th, 2005, 02:01 PM
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Use the multi-select list box, then pass those selected items to a view/query that contains all the data you want to show to the client. This will produce a recordset with only those items selected, and all the other data you want to display.
This will work if several sales people are sending the data at once since it will be processed on the server one request at a time, and it is OLAP, not OLTP.
Then send the results to Excel using code.
Is this what you were after?


Old August 19th, 2005, 02:02 PM
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Of course, each salesperson should have a copy of the adp file on their desktop. Multi-user adp files on the server will force everyone other than the first user to read-only. Plus this defeats the whole purpose of using SQL.


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