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Old December 12th, 2005, 10:32 AM
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Default Slow Speed In Query

I am firing a query and getting a result in 4-5 sec but i want
result in 1-2 sec how i can do plz suggest me

Old December 12th, 2005, 10:47 AM
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Depends on a lot of things
Do you have useful indexes?
What about fragmentation levels?
Are you selecting more (*) than you need?
Is your query optimized?
Are statistics updates?

“I sense many useless updates in you... Useless updates lead to fragmentation... Fragmentation leads to downtime...Downtime leads to suffering..Fragmentation is the path to the darkside.. DBCC INDEXDEFRAG and DBCC DBREINDEX are the force...May the force be with you" -- http://sqlservercode.blogspot.com/

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