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Old May 27th, 2006, 01:43 AM
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Default Problem creating Stored Procedure


I have an table in which one field is of data type bit. That column maintains the numeric boolean values like '1' & '0'.

WHile creating a stored procedure for inserting the value in the table
it is not allowing me to declare the variable of datatype bit.

What might be the reason or any idea regarding it.

Vivek Shah
Vivek Shah
Old May 27th, 2006, 03:50 AM
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Hi Vivek!

You problem is not clear to me. But, I may predict that - you must not have used set statement properly. There may be a case when you do not set it with 0 or 1, this may insert NULL in the table.
But, you mentioned that - This is not allowing you declare a variable of bit type. Don't analyze that bit can not be declared. There may be some scenario which disallows you declare it.
Tell us the part of code where you have declared bit variable and used it. That would be really helpful to find the problem.

- Som Dutt

Old May 27th, 2006, 06:22 AM
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Below is the stored procedure that i had created
CREATE procedure POS_OrderLine
 @newOrderID varchar(50),
 @ItemID numeric (4),
 @productClass numeric(4),
 @MenuGroup varchar(50),
 @ProductName varchar(50),
 @LineNumber numeric(4),
 @UnitPrice float(8),
 @Extra bit(1),
 @Qty numeric(4),
 @comment varchar(200)
 --@cnt numeric(4),
-- @totcnt numeric(4)


    Insert into OrderLine(OrderID, ItemID, ItemClass, MenuGroup, ProductName,LineNumber, UnitPrice, Extra, Quantity, Comment, CreatedOn )
    (@newOrderID,@ItemID,@productClass,@MenuGroup,@ProductName,@LineNumber,@UnitPrice,@Extra,@Qty,@Comment, getdate())

While compiling the Procedure it gives me an error

Invalid datatype for the parameter

And In the code in C# I have declared it as SqlDbType.Bit,

but the error i get is as below

"String was not recognized as a valid Boolean."

Vivek Shah
Old May 27th, 2006, 07:48 AM
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The bit datatype declaration has no arguments.

Your parameter definition should read:

@Extra bit,

Jeff Mason
Custom Apps, Inc.
Old May 28th, 2006, 11:33 PM
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Yes Jeff is right. Bit doesn't take any argument.

Best Regards


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