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Old September 28th, 2003, 01:55 AM
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Default sysdate

How can insert system date in sql server by ASP page ?
It insert 1/1/1900 date,
During data entry, I want that system date automatically insert in sql server.

isql1="insert into stations2 (stn_no,curnt_user,purchase_date,cost,model,rec_up date,remarks) values ("
isql2="'" & stn_no & "',"
isql3="'" & curnt_user & "',"
isql4="'" & purchase_date & "',"
isql5= cost & ","
isql6="'" & model & "',"
isql7="'" & sysdate & "'," // how can insert sysdate
isql8="'" & remarks & "')"

isql=isql1+isql2+isql3+isql4+isql5+isql6+isql7+isq l8

cn.Execute isql

Old September 28th, 2003, 03:28 AM
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SQL Server has an internal function called GetDate which you can use instead of creating a date in ASP, then passing this across to SQL Server to intepret:

isql6="'" & model & "',"
isql7=" GetDate(), "
isql8="'" & remarks & "')"


Old September 28th, 2003, 03:52 AM
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quote:Originally posted by KenSchaefer
 SQL Server has an internal function called GetDate which you can use instead of creating a date in ASP, then passing this across to SQL Server to intepret:

isql6="'" & model & "',"
isql7=" GetDate(), "
isql8="'" & remarks & "')"


Old September 28th, 2003, 07:42 AM
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You can also use the SQL-92 standard CURRENT_TIMESTAMP instead of the proprietary getdate().

You may also want to consider defining a DEFAULT constaint on the column which would set the value automatically whenever rows are inserted, rather than providing the value in the INSERT itself. Note also that doing this would guarantee that the date and time used is the data and time of the database server, and not your web server, which may or may not be the same...

Jeff Mason
Custom Apps, Inc.

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