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Old October 23rd, 2003, 04:28 AM
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Default Setting a DTS Global Variable

Scenario, I am exporting a number of text files via a DTS package. What I want to do after the export of the text files has completed, is to then is to update a log table with the exported rows via an execute SQL Task e.g.

INSERT INTO tblLog (TF1, TF2, TF3)
VALUES (@tf1, @tf2, @tf3)

Date Run, File1, File2, File3
2003-10-23, 1343, 3254, 8734

So I have created three global variable that I want to assign the @@rowcount as each text file exports

This is where I am stuck. I have declared three global variables @TF1 …. And I am trying to do the following, after the text file has exported

SET @tf1 = @@rowcount –error here is that it is saying must declare variable @tf1

Can you not assign a value to a GV once it has been set??

Bonus points if someone can give me an answer before Jeff


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