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Old December 31st, 2003, 10:54 PM
zqi zqi is offline
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Default SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Happy New Year!

Got a problem with the connection to my "SQL servers" in the "Server Explorer" of Visual Studio .Net Enterprise Architect 2003. However, it was OK yesterday though. Please HELP!!! Thank you very much.

Description of my problem:

I got an error message: "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied." But I am very sure that my SQL server is right there and my code can absolutely access the Northwind batabase on that server. Also I can get Northwind database connected/shown on the "Data Connections" tree of VS .Net "Server Explorer". BUT I just couldn't get the server shown/connected on the "Servers" tree (the "+" sign to the left of my SQL server won't expand, and gives me the error message shown above). I saw it right there YESTERDAY and could expand the "+" sign.

The instance is installed on local the computer. I'm not sure what I touched before it screwed up.

Probably some settings with "SQL Server Client Network Utility"? The "Enabled protocols by order:" are TCP/IP, Named Pipes. "Server alias" is the same as the server name, which is AMITUOFO.

My system setup is as below:

* Windows 2000 Professional SP4
* SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A
* SQL Server 2000 Client Components SP3a
* Visual Studio .Net Enterprise Architect 2003

Note: I couldn't install instances of SQL Server 2000 since I'm running W2k Pro, so I installed a default instance of MSDE 2000 Rel A on local instead but I installed some SQL Server 2000 Client tools.

Old January 1st, 2004, 09:18 PM
zqi zqi is offline
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Simply Deleted the "Server alias" that had the same name with the Server - AMITUOFO (local sever) in the SQL erver Client network Utility tool. Shouldn't have played with the client tool.

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