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Old February 21st, 2007, 09:05 AM
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Default SQL Server 2005 XML: FOR XML PATH -> cdata?


Is it possible to output a column as cdata when using xml path?
For example:
SELECT CustomerID as "@CustomerID", 
           Address as "address/street",
           City as "address/city",
           Region as "address/region",
           PostalCode as "address/zip",
           Country as "address/country",
           ContactName as "contact/name",
           ContactTitle as "contact/title",
           Phone as "contact/phone", 
           Fax as "contact/fax"
FROM Customers
FOR XML PATH('Customer'), ROOT('doc')
Is there a way to output street address as cdata? Right now I'm using FOR XML EXPLICIT to output cdata, but my query is getting quite complicated and I would like to switch to the path method.


Old July 8th, 2008, 02:40 AM
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You should use FOR XML EXPLICIT if you intend to generate CDATA sections.

Jacob Sebastian SQL Server MVP www.sqlserverandxml.com www.sqlkatmai.com

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