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Old October 26th, 2007, 11:56 AM
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Default Full Text timing out

I'm running into a a problem with Full Text searching. I've narrowed my code that produces the error down to this:

SELECT Content
JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(Text, Content, 'lake') AS A
ON A.[KEY]=Text.ID;

The first time I run it in the SQL query analyzer it sits there for about 30 seconds and then gives me "Timeout expired (error - 2147217871)." After the first query attempt I can run it as many times as I want and it will work fine (no errors) ... But if I wait for about 30 minutes and then try it again, it will give the the error again on the first try. I've tried using search words that exist and ones that don't exist in the db and they both give the same error, so it's not that it's trying to return too many rows.

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Old October 29th, 2007, 11:47 PM
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     sorry I dont know Idea for like first time It will take 30 minutes after that wiil work....
      and another question its returning too many rows...best u can try distinct with select statement.....I feel it may be work fine..

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