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Old March 6th, 2004, 01:28 AM
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Default data type for date in msde


I am using msde with asp. In my asp page I am geting the date like
dim addate
addate =date

which give me date in this format mm/dd/yyyy

Now I need to insert this date into my msde table, what data type should I use. I tried datetime and it did not work , when I go to my table all I see 12.00 PM.


Old March 9th, 2004, 10:20 PM
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I believe dateTime will expect just that. Do you not have a date data type as an option? I personaly use smallDateTime and insert it in the mm/dd/yyy format also. However here in Australia our format is dd/mm/yyy

Here is a handy function that will convert between these two formats. NOTE: This function will place single quotes around the result, you do not need them in your insert statement
EG:: ..& '" returnedvalue "' &.. becomes ..& " returnedvalue " &..

FUNCTION amDate(varDate)
  amDate = "'" & Month(DateValue(varDate)) & "/" & Day(DateValue(varDate)) & "/" & Year(DateValue(varDate)) & " " & TimeValue(varDate) & "'"

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