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Old August 4th, 2003, 01:51 PM
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Default total columns in sql query

Thanks in advance for answers...

I asked in asp/database but cant wait..

I am pulling data from ms sql server - all goes well and the records are displayed in a table (actually output to an excel window in IE)... the records are displayed (nearly 30,000) but I need to now total a couple of the columns.. For example:

   Totals Price1= 50 Price2= 55 Price3= 60

               Price1 Price2 Price3
Customer A 10 11 12
Customer B 10 11 12
Customer C 10 11 12
Customer D 10 11 12
Customer E 10 11 12

This all goes well but I need a few fields across top of page to total columns. It is more complicated but if I can figure this part out I can get the rest. I thought I could do it in vbscript but am having hard time. Would it be better to create a variable in the sql select statement that totals the columns (and then I will perform some basic math on those variables to get %'s, etc.) I am newer to sql statements then I am to asp - so any help is appreciated....

Old August 4th, 2003, 06:33 PM
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You could use output parameters to a proc. eg

@Sum1 Int OUTPUT, @Sum2 Int OUTPUT, @Sum3 Int OUTPUT


SELECT @Sum1 = SUM(Price1), @Sum2 = SUM(Price2), @Sum3 = SUM(Price3)
FROM SomeTable

SELECT Price1, Price2, Price3
FROM SomeTable
You need to use a command object to execute the proc and get the output parameters. Also there can be problems with accessing output parameters and recordsets. From memory you can only get the output parameters once the recordset is closed. It might be the other way around.

David Cameron

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