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Old April 27th, 2005, 03:22 AM
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Default Update records with multiple keys (ASP VBScript)

In my table I have created a primary key on the combination of two fields. I use a command to update this table. The problem is that one of the fields i'm going to update is a part of the primary key. I get no error message, but the current record is not updated. When i try to update the record without changing the field which is a part of the primary key everything works fine.

The table-design and Dreamweaver command is shown below:

Tablename = tbl_Place_of_work
Employeeid - Int - 4
Phonenumber - varchar - 20
Division - char - 5
Sphere - varchar - 70

The combination of Employeeid And Division are the primary key

UPDATE dbo.tbl_Place_of_work
SET Phonenumber = 'varPhonenumber', Division = 'varDivision', Sphere = 'varSphere'
WHERE Employeeid = varEmployeeid AND Division = 'varDivision'

varPhonenumber = Request("Phonenumber")
varDivision = Request("Division")
varSphere = Request("Sphere")
varEmployeeid = Request("Employeeid")

My Regards,

Old April 27th, 2005, 03:43 AM
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From the code it seems that it is not going to udate the record when the value in the Division changes.

"WHERE Employeeid = varEmployeeid AND Division = 'varDivision' "

This is bcoz you are in the where clause you are using the changed value of division. You should use the old value.

I think this is the issue

Old April 27th, 2005, 04:23 AM
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Thank you very much for your help.

I changed the where clause to

"WHERE Employeeid = varEmployeeid AND Division = Division"

Works fine now. Thanks again

My Regards,

Old April 27th, 2005, 04:53 AM
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If you are giving " Division = Division " rather than seomthing like " Division = varOldDivision ", It is going to be update all the divisions the an Employeeid.


Old April 27th, 2005, 05:28 AM
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Ooops. Thanks for reminding me.


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