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Old July 18th, 2005, 12:12 AM
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Default Cannot connect to SQL server


   I have SQL server enterprise edition. Stand alone system. O/S is Win 2K Server. I have given Windows authenitication.
I want to change to sql server authentication. But its giving error "SQL Server does not exist or access denied"

If i use directly in the query analiser, working fine.

I want to connect to database from ASP.

I tried like this

conn.connectionstring="Provider=SALOLEDB.1;userid= administrator;initial catalog=attendance;data source=tsimsha\montex"


Its giving error "Cannot associated with trusted sql server"

what does it mean.
I tried to register new sql server from the enterprise server snap-in.
Cannot. giving the above error.
I want to create new SQL server with some username and password(not windows authentication).

How can i solve this?

Old July 22nd, 2005, 07:21 AM
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You can change the autnentication mode by right clicking the SQL Server >> select properties >> security tab.

Charul Shukla

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