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Old August 23rd, 2005, 02:58 PM
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Default Continuing DEADLOCK Problem

I continue to receive a DEADLOCK error performing a simple one line update. It only seems to occur when 2 or more records are being updated by different browser windows, but I've verified it's not the same record being updated. I can loop back through and perform the update on a subsequent pass, but that's only masking the problem and degrading performance.

I can find no other code referencing the record being updated. I use a data adapter to retrieve the results to a datatable and then immediately disconnect from the database. I've inserted "with (NO LOCK)" in every Select statement I've got. I'm dumping every database call involving the specifiec table to the debug window to see if there's some overlap between data being read and data being updated and can find no overlap. Could the adapter be locking the records retrieved despite the NOLOCK clause? Is this a case of escalating locks caused by multiple concurrent single record updates? Do data readers lock data?

Does anybody have any ^&%$#$ clue as to how to figure out what's causing this? Is there some tool that can be used to identify the locking call? I'm tearing my hair out trying to find this deadlock and absolutely nothing seems to be helping.
Old September 21st, 2005, 02:55 PM
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You could set your isolation level to Serializable but it will make everything else slower

run a trace on the server and look for the deeadlocks
also look into trace flags 1204 and 1205

also if you have 2 statements in a batch make sure that they are in the same order
tran 1
update table a
update table b

tran 2
update table b
update table a

things like this will cause a deadlock

Inside SQL Server 2000 has an excellent chapter on locking/blocking


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