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Old September 11th, 2003, 04:19 PM
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Default Inserting information into different dB's tables.

I have a form that is insert information into my Summary table in a db call Jobs. But, I want the form to insert information into my Summary table in db:Job and my Summary table in db:Workers. So, I need an example on how to insert information into two tables on different db's. Please help.

Old September 11th, 2003, 06:47 PM
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First, please clarify something -- do you mean insert into two different databases or two different tables in the same db?

I'll assume you mean two tables in the SAME database.You'll need to perform two different INSERT queries. You can only insert into one table at a time. If you need to perform multiple INSERT queries, use a transaction.

For SQL Server, you might as well just write a stored procedure that contains the transaction and pass the procedure your incoming data as parameters.

Take care,


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