"ODBC driver does not support the requested..."
Currently having a problem that makes no sense (to me anyway!):
An existing ASP Classic application is in place which I now have a development copy of running on a testing server as it is undergoing some overhaul. As part of this I have duplicated the database using DTS to another DB on the same SQL 2000 server. I've set up a new login/password for this "new" DB and changed the connection string accordingly. However I got this error message back:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e21'
ODBC driver does not support the requested properties.
on the first attempt to open a record set. Having googled to no real result in desperation I tried something that was after a MySQL server had a similar problem where it had problems with permissions for a specific table and was mis-reporting the error.
So I explicitly gave that user permissions for all the tables etc in the database. This resulted in the program getting further before bombing out with the same error message. Having looked at the line it is dying on it definately has permissions on the table(s) it is opening in that query. I found changing the Cursor type for that query from AdOpenReadOnly to AdOpenOptimistic made it work (????)
Obviously this isnt ideal since I dont like makeing changes like that for no apparant reason.
I'm not crazy - I'm just a little unwell