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Old November 7th, 2006, 05:13 AM
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Default SQL SERVER Query

i have a query for SQL SERVER Any body help me.

"a table which does not have any Primary key" ok!
this table have a 100 Rows with same data in every rows or (all table has same data like "pavan").
and i want to have only two Rows; and all 98 will be deleting form the table."

1) this table does not have any kind of Unique Value in Row
2) this table have only one Column(fldName) which consist a same data like "pavan"
3) we have required only 2 Row from this table, all rows will be delete from this table.

Pavan Pareta
Software Engineer
Old December 18th, 2006, 04:47 PM
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Hai Pavan,

Whatever it may be data, Assign your table as source,then take row sampling with that select 2 rows send it to be Destination,
Same time Take OLEDB Command and assign unselected condition from Row Sampling to OLEDB Command.

Assign connection to OLEDB Command
Click on component properties Delete from Table

enjoy it.

Devendar Reddy

Old December 18th, 2006, 04:51 PM
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quote:Originally posted by devendar
 Hai Pavan,

Whatever it may be data, Assign your table as source,then take row sampling with that select 2 rows send it to be Destination,
Same time Take OLEDB Command and assign unselected condition from Row Sampling to OLEDB Command.

Assign connection to OLEDB Command
Click on component properties Delete from Table

This works on SSIS in SQL Server-2005 OK

enjoy it.

Devendar Reddy

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