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Old March 9th, 2007, 09:58 AM
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Default I am trying to convert a MS Access Query to a SQL?

I am trying to convert a MS Access Query to a SQL query and I need help with some IIF Statements?

2 in particular that I've encountered problems with are:

Count(IIf([elphoursflag]=0 Or [elphoursflag]=2,IIf([envelopes].isitecode=[logsheets].isitecode,IIf([recdate] Between DateAdd([d],7,[dFirstPSYDate]) And (DateAdd([d],13,[dFirstPSYDate])),[zip]))))'AS wk2count,


Format(Avg(IIf([elphoursflag]=0 Or [elphoursflag]=2,IIf([envelopes].isitecode=[logsheets].isitecode,IIf([recdate] Between DateAdd([d],7,[dFirstPSYDate]) And (DateAdd([d],13,[dFirstPSYDate])),[elphours])))),[0.0])AS wk2avg,

Any help that someone could offer would be greatly appreciated!
Old March 9th, 2007, 10:21 AM
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Are you upsizing the Database through Enterpirse Manager or doing it manually?

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Read this if you want to know how to get a correct reply for your question:
^^Took that from planoie's profile^^
^^Modified text taken from gbianchi profile^^
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Old March 9th, 2007, 10:51 AM
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I used the Upsizing wizard to do most of the conversion, but the majority of the access queries are having to be transferred over manually.

Old March 9th, 2007, 12:39 PM
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I was able to get it working with some more effort. I figured I would post my results.

              when [elphoursflag]=0 Or [elphoursflag]=2 then
                  when [envelopes].isitecode=[logsheets].isitecode then
                      when [recdate] Between DateAdd([d],7,[dFirstPSYDate]) And (DateAdd([d],13,[dFirstPSYDate])) then
            end) AS wk2count,
              when [elphoursflag]=0 Or [elphoursflag]=2 then
                  when [envelopes].isitecode=[logsheets].isitecode then
                      when [recdate] Between DateAdd([d],7,[dFirstPSYDate]) And (DateAdd(day,13,[dFirstPSYDate])) then
            end), 0.0) AS wk2avg,

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