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Old March 27th, 2008, 03:19 PM
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Default Getting data from link tables

Just a quick question regarding SQL to get data from tables which are linked together. I'll try to do my best in describing the sitiuation to make it clear.

Right, I want to get data from 2 fields in a table called GPS (lon & lat). Each lon & lat value is assigned to one ship (can be null). The following tables are involved in this problem:

Ordersonship (ShipID, OrderID)
OrderID(OrderID, CustomerID, Date, ...)
ShipID(ShipID, Name, Docked...)
GPS(ShipID, lat, lon, date)

All tables are linked together. On my web form I have a drop down box which makes a OrderID selectable in the Ordersonship table (since not all orders have been assigned). I need to write a SQL command to get the lat & lon from the GPS table. First of all is this possible? And is the following SQL commands going the right way about it?

FROM GPS g, ShipID s, Ordersonship o
Where o.OrderID = @SelectedOrderID
AND s.ShipID = g.ShipID

comm.Parameters.Add("@SelectedOrderID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
comm.Parameters["@SelectedOrderID"].Value =
Convert.ToInt32(SelectedOrderDropDownBox.SelectedV alue);

FROM GPS g, ShipID s, Ordersonship o
Where o.OrderID = @SelectedOrderID
AND s.ShipID = g.ShipID

comm.Parameters.Add("@SelectedOrderID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
comm.Parameters["@SelectedOrderID"].Value =
Convert.ToInt32(SelectedOrderDropDownBox.SelectedV alue);

Would there be a better way of writing this, instead of the 2 commands? I am I even looking in the right direction?

Many thanks for any help, I hope I have explained it well enough :S



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