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Old August 18th, 2008, 02:15 AM
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Default Concatenate multiple records into one


I want to concatenate multiple records of a column in a single field.like
I have data
num id
123 1
456 1
765 1

i want to make a new table from this as
number id
123,456,765 1

can anyone help me in this?

I m using ASP & SQL server

Old August 19th, 2008, 02:57 PM
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Please don't do this!

Make a query to produce a *RESULT* like that, yes. But please don't create a new table like that. You will lose the ability to make many kinds of good queries when you store data in a concatenated list like that.


This is a very general answer:

But if you only have a single ID value then you can do it more simply:

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