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Old October 29th, 2008, 03:51 PM
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Default Access sql server from on different host


I am puzzled as to why I am having trouble accessing data from sql server.

I have been given a website from a friend who would like the site hosted on the internet. I currently have a MS hosting package with 1and1.

The site is programmed in asp and gets the data from a sql server database at an ip address. here is the connection string...

set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objConn.open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=,1334;Initial Catalog=sawleCMS;User ID=sa;Password=xxxxx"

The page runs fine from my localhost server on vista and gets the data from the external sql database no problem. But now I have uploaded the site to 1and1, the asp pages run no problem but it times out all the time on the pages that try and get the data from the database.

I do not have the sql database nor does my friend know how to get the database back from where it currently is at that ip address. I am stuck as to why it works on my localhost but not the hosting provider?

Could anyone please help?

My localhost server is run on vista 64bit with IIS 7.

Many thanks for anyone who may help.
Old October 29th, 2008, 06:14 PM
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> it times out all the time on the pages that try and get the data from the database.

Does "all the time" mean "on each and every attempt"? Or does it mean "on many or most attempts"??

If the former, then perhaps the server is rejecting your site's IP address (yes, SQL Server can be set to do that).

If the latter, are you hitting it thousands of times per minute from the site versus a couple of times per minute from your local machine?

If none of the above, give more details.

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